Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Everything Beautiful is Far Away

This is a test render of some animation done for us by the wonderful Mister Jeff Hobbs - part time animation genius, full time tinkerer and all round good egg. The reason it's up here today is twofold. One is that I just remembered I had a copy of it, and the other is to illustrate the point that we here at CheapAss HQ aren't always about the wallowing in past glories - heaven no, we, being thrusting and motivated young bucks of the media world are all about moving onward and upward...

To this end, the animation is part of the development work being done on my next magnificent octopus - Everything Beautiful is Far Away. The title [and the plot, come to think of it] is shamelessly ripped off from a Grandaddy song [but seeing as they split up [boo] a while ago, I'm hoping to dodge any low-flying law-suits]. Locations and script are locked, special effects are being done as we speak and we've even got some posters designed, like this one...

I'll keep you posted on any and all developments as they happen, plus I'll post up some more pre-production stuff as I feel like it.

[Thanks to Darren at X-GF Media for that poster image]

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