Monday, 4 February 2008

The Power of Youtube (or why people still think 'The X-Files" is telling the truth)

Okay, watch this film and tell me what you see.

Come back when you've watched it, because the next bit is a spoiler.

Watched it?


To me, its a slightly sleep deprived guy (and possibly drunk) guy who shall remain nameless for reasons of national security who got a bit confused and mistook a TV ariel reflecting car headlights for a UFO mothership. It's a bit of found footage edited together into what basically amounts to a cheap (and slightly embarrassing) gag.

However, when I uploaded it to youtube, I added the tag 'UFO' and now it's got the highest number of hits on my channel (yes, even more than the film with the cat eating a dead bird, if you can believe that...). I'm even getting emails from people who want to see the original footage, to see if they can spot anything else and possibly identify what the object is.

Didn't these people (who I'm guessing happened on the film after searching for 'UFO' tagged films) even watch it to the end, to the reveal? To the bit where we see that it is a TV ARIEL???

And people wonder how conspiracy theories start...

Repeat after me - "I want to believe, I want to believe..."

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