Friday, 1 February 2008

Filmmaking 101 - Always Tidy Up (The Nazi Water Incident)

Sometimes, a stupid joke, or a mistake can really screw up a shoot, or even end up with the crew almost losing their job. Such an incident occurred during the shooting of 'Idiots in Time' and I think there is a lesson there that we can all learn from.

The scene in Part 1 [as seen below] called for a Nazi DNA bottle (which, in true low-budget stylee was played by a soft drink bottle filled with red water and a swastika crudely drawn on it). At the end of the day's shooting, someone (well, me actually) thought it would be a fine jape to leave said prop in the office where we had been filming. The next day, I came into work and was confronted by a furious receptionist who held out the bottle like it was a soiled nappy. With a stern voice, she said (with no small amount of disdain) "Is this yours?" I obviously had to admit to it, as it was my name on the office booking form, but I couldn't understand exactly why the offending article could cause so much offence.

It turned out that the office we had been filming in was being used the next morning for a marketing seminar in - you guessed it - marketing bottled water. I don't know if the organizers had thought that the bottle was left there to sabotage their event, or by someone making a political statement about the evils of selling something that basically comes through the tap for free, but they weren't happy.

Visions of being arrested for hate crimes, or at the very least getting kicked out of my office flashed before my eyes, but as it turned out, disaster was averted with the offer of buying them a new bottle of soft drink.

It's a good job there wasn't a meeting of holocaust survivors, or worse, the BNP taking place instead, and that no-one saw the Time traveling Nazi Robot in full effect. Then I really would have had some explaining to do.

So in conclusion - tidy up and don't be a jerk.

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